Friday, 28 September 2012

Get "The Birth of Vengeance" for FREE on the 29th and 30th September 2012

From Amazon


"It is such a refreshing change to read a vampire novel that is different from the standard novel. This is no "Twilight" and as such is so much the better for it. "

"I didn't think it was possible to come at the vampire genre from a new angle any more, what with the numerous books already out there. However Paul Ross has managed to do this and has created an interesting and intriguing story."

Monday, 24 September 2012

Book Review - The Sheol

A unique and original story that took me on an un-predictable journey as the story keeps you guessing all the way to the end. I loved the contrasts between the two main characters and interpretations of events from their points of view and the contrast added richness to the events. The story creates a new worlds, characters and conflicts I have not seen before. I wanted to read on after the end of the book and looking forward to finding out how the story continues on after such a surprising ending. I worried that some of the events wouldn’t get explained, but all the threads and unanswered question came together at the end to complete the book.

I have would like to have seen more action in terms of Kala showing off her warrior skills. I also would have liked some more interaction with the antagonist, her boss and the array of colour character we only got a brief glimpse of at the beginning. In terms of ratings between a 3-4, but closer to the 4 as the story was very original unpredictable. Overall I enjoyed it.

The Sheol (The wanderer trilogy #1)