Monday, 7 May 2018

New App - Spendless - Slashing Expenses

I have launched an APP called "Spendless- Slashing Expenses"

It records you cutting back on expenses and adds them up to reach a goal.

The idea came to me at work when ordering coffee. I could take in my own coffee. This would save £1.10 every cup. If I recorded all these £1.10, how much could I save?

If I did the same with bringing in my own lunch as well. I could save money.

But I wanted  an easy way to track these little saving by cutting expense, towards a bigger goal like buying a new smartphone for £100. Something in my hand and at a click of a button

So the app came to life. You click every time you make a saving and it adds the money save towards your goal.

You can track your goal and it will tell you once completed.

Simple. The App is FREE is give a go and start saving today.