Saturday, 14 March 2015

How time flies

It has been  nearly a year since my last post, and I still haven't released my sequel 'The Truth of Vengeance'.:(

I said before it is going through editing. During which time I have refined the book and expanded it, Which meant it had to return to the editing stage again. However, it was worth the extra effort. The sequel expands the vampire world and pushes Thorn's and Jon's relationship further. The truth about vampires and the hunters are revealed.

Also whilst waiting for the editing, I started a new book and finished another outstanding project.
Both of which may have added to the delay.

All three books I plan to release over the course of this year or earlier next year.

As I said before, if you want the chance to win a copy of "Truth of Vengeance:Vampire Formula #2"
Then contact me 
I will be giving away copies as part of the book launch.
Those that have already contacted me are in the draw.
Plus sample chapters will be available and a cover reveal.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted me and asked about the release date.

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